研討會 (Conference):
2024 APCCAS研討會將於2024/11/7-11/9在台灣財團法人張榮發基金會舉行。
The 2024 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems will be held at Chang Yung-Fa Foundation International Convention Ceter, Taipei, Taiwan during November 7 - 9, 2024.
Topic of paper published by our group: "A High-Power Single-Pole-Double-Throw Switch with High Isolation for Millimeter-Wave Satellite Applications", "A Highly-Efficient Power Amplifier for V-band Inter-Satellite Link Applications"
2024 ISAP研討會將於2024/11/5-11/8在韓國仁川Songdo Convensia舉行。
The 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation will be held at Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Republic of Korea during November 5 - 8, 2024.
Topic of paper published by our group: Reconfigurable High Power Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Single-Chip Transmitter Circuit for mm-Wave Satellite Applications
獲獎資訊 (Achievements):
許恒通教授榮獲IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification 期刊之副主編 (Associate Editor)
Professor Heng-Tung Hsu has been nominated as the Assosiate Editor of IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (Rank: Q2, IF: 4.0)
Title of the paper published by our group: A Single Radiator-Based Circularly Polarized Antenna for Indoor Wireless Communication Applications
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.1)
Title of the paper published by our group: Reliability Assessment of 60-GHz GaN Power Amplifier Under High-level Input RF Stress
本實驗室之研究成果已被International Journal of Communication Systems期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal International Journal of Communication Systems (Rank: Q3, IF: 2.1)
Title of the paper published by our group: High Gain Dual Wide-Band ±45° Dual Polarization (DWDP) Antenna for Indoor Distributed Antenna System (IDAS) Applications
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Elsevier Optik期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal Elsevier Optik (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.1)
Title of the paper published by our group: FSS Based High Gain Optically Transparent MIMO Antenna for Sub-6 GHz 5G Mid-Band Applications
獲獎資訊 (Award Achievements):
本實驗室成員邱炳勳獲得德國交流總署(Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD)之短期研究獎學金
Our team member Ping-Hsun Chiu has been awarded a short-term scholarship from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD.
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Elsevier Results in Physics期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal Elsevier Results in Physics (Rank: Q1, IF: 5.3)
Title of the paper published by our group: The Improvement of Device Linearity in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs at Millimeter-wave Frequencies using Dual-Gate Configuration
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.2)
Title of the paper published by our group: Dual-Wideband Antenna with Dual Polarization and Enhanced Front-to-Back Ratio for High-Speed Communication Applications
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Internet of Things Journal期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Rank: Q1, IF: 10.6)
Title of the paper published by our group: UWB Connected Ground Transparent 4-Port Flexible MIMO Antenna for IoT Applications
研究計畫 (Research Project):
Our research proposal for 2024-2025 NSTC-DAAD PPP Project is granted by NSTC, Taiwan, starting from 2024 January.
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.1)
Title of the paper published by our group: Highly Robust GaN Power Amplifier at Millimeter-wave Frequencies using Sputtered Iridium Gate MMIC Technology
本實驗室之研究成果已被AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.2)
Title of the paper published by our group: Millimeter-Wave Single-Pole-Double-Throw Switch Design with Stacked-FET Topology Using Network Cascading Analysis
研討會 (Conference):
2023 APMC研討會將於2023/12/5-12/8在台灣台北國際會議中心(TICC)舉行。
The 2023 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) will be held at Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan during December 5 - 8, 2023.
Topic of paper published by our group: "Demonstration of a Millimeter-wave High-Power Transceiver Module using AlN Interposer", and "A 60-GHz 27.8-dBm GaN-based Doherty Power Amplifier for V-band Applications"
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Wiley International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by Wiley International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Rank: Q3, IF: 2.3)
Title of the paper published by our group: A Dual-Band Polarization Switchable Antenna Switch Module for 5G New-Radio Applications
研討會 (Conference):
2023 TJCAS/TKCAS研討會將於2023/9/6-9/8在台灣新竹國立陽明交通大學舉行。
The 9th Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2023), and the 2nd Taiwan and Korea Conference on Circuits and Systems (TKCAS 2023) will be held at Hsinchu, Taiwan during September 6 - 8, 2023.
Topic of paper published by our group: A 100-Watt GaN Doherty Amplifier for 5G Base Station Applications
2023 ISAP研討會將於2023/10/30-11/2在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉行。
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during October 30 - November 2, 2023.
Topic of paper published by our group: Planar Four-Port Dipole MIMO Antenna for 5G NR 257/258/261 Frequency Band Applications
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Brief期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Brief (Rank: Q2, IF: 4.4)
Title of the paper published by our group: An Ultra-Wideband, High Power and High Isolation Single-Pole-Double-Throw Switch Using Capacitive Loading Approach
研討會 (Conference):
2023 AP-S/URSI研討會將於2023/7/23-7/28在美國奧勒岡州波特蘭舉行。
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting will be held at Portland, Oregon, USA during July 23 - July 28, 2023.
Topic of paper published by our group: Dual-Band Branch Line Coupler-Based Circularly Polarized Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Applications
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Springer Wireless Networks期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by Springer Wireless Networks (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.0)
Title of the paper published by our group: High Gain Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Network Applications
Professor Heng-Tung Hsu is elected as the 2023 Distinguished Lecturer of Taiwan Electromagnetic Industry-Academia Consortium (TEMIAC)
Topics of Talk 1: 運用電路技術提升元件高頻增益之可行性分析與實現
Topics of Talk 2: 新型態微型化射頻前端模組開發
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Wiley International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by Wiley International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Rank: Q3, IF: 2.3)
Title of the paper published by our group: A 20-W Wideband Voltage Controlled Attenuator for Millimeter-wave Applications
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Access期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Access (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.9)
Title of the paper published by our group: Rigorous Analysis and Investigation of the Bandwidth Broadening Mechanism in a Compact Power Divider with Physical Port Isolation
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (Rank: Q1, IF: 5.6)
Title of the paper published by our group: Design of a Compact RF Front-end Transceiver Module for 5G New-Radio Applications
本實驗室之研究成果已被AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.2)
Title of the paper published by our group: High Power Handling GaAs SP4T Switch based Beam-Switching Planar Antenna Module for 5G New-Radio FR2 Applications
晶片下線 (Chip Tapeout):
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT製程P15-112A梯次將於2023/1/16開放申請,並於2023/1/30截止,詳情請上TSRI查詢
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT process P15-112A will be open for application on January 16th, 2023, and end on Januray 30th, 2023. Please visit TSRI website for more details.
研討會 (Conference):
2022 RFM研討會將於2022/12/19-12/21在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉行。
2022 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM) will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during December 19 - December 21.
Topic of paper published by our group: A High Survivability Low-Noise Amplifier for V-band Applications
2022 亞太微波研討會 (APMC) 將於2022/11/29-12/2在日本橫濱舉行。
2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) will be held at Yokohama, Japan during November 29 - December 2.
Topic of paper published by our group: Planar Beam Switched Antenna Module for 5G New-Radio FR2 Applications
年度成果展示 (Annual Demonstration):
The annual demonstration for National Science and Technology Council project will be help at National Chi Nan University on October 28.
晶片下線 (Chip Tapeout):
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT製程P15-111B梯次將於2022/7/4開放申請,並於2022/7/11截止,詳情請上TSRI查詢
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT process P15-111B will be open for application on July 4th, 2022, and end on July 11th, 2022. Please visit TSRI website for more details.
晶片下線 (Chip Tapeout):
WIN 0.25 um GaN/SiC HEMT製程GaN25-111A梯次將於2022/4/4開放申請,詳情請上TSRI查詢,下線詳細流程請參閱檔案
GaN 0.25 um GaN/SiC HEMT process GaN25-111A will be open for application on April 4th, 2022. Please visit TSRI website for more details and pay attention to tapeout schedule.
晶片下線 (Chip Tapeout):
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT製程P15-111A梯次將於2022/1/10開放申請,詳情請上TSRI查詢
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT process P15-111A will be open for application on January 10th, 2022. Please visit TSRI website for more details.
課程消息 (Course News):
The enrollment of 8th open course ware (e-Learning) is going to due on November 5, 2021. Please visit TSRI website for more details.
研討會 (Conference):
IEDMS conference will be held at National Cheng Kung University during November 18th to 19th.
Topic of paper published by our group: Effect of the Device Geometry on the Linearity Performance of AlGaN GaN HEMTs with Dual-Gate Configuration, IEDMS, Symposium A:Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices.
APMC conference will be held online from November 28th to December 1st, 2021.
Topic of paper published by our group: An X- to Ka-band Single-Pole-Double-Throw Switch with Good Power Handling Capability
2024 APCCAS研討會將於2024/11/7-11/9在台灣財團法人張榮發基金會舉行。
The 2024 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems will be held at Chang Yung-Fa Foundation International Convention Ceter, Taipei, Taiwan during November 7 - 9, 2024.
Topic of paper published by our group: "A High-Power Single-Pole-Double-Throw Switch with High Isolation for Millimeter-Wave Satellite Applications", "A Highly-Efficient Power Amplifier for V-band Inter-Satellite Link Applications"
2024 ISAP研討會將於2024/11/5-11/8在韓國仁川Songdo Convensia舉行。
The 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation will be held at Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Republic of Korea during November 5 - 8, 2024.
Topic of paper published by our group: Reconfigurable High Power Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Single-Chip Transmitter Circuit for mm-Wave Satellite Applications
獲獎資訊 (Achievements):
許恒通教授榮獲IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification 期刊之副主編 (Associate Editor)
Professor Heng-Tung Hsu has been nominated as the Assosiate Editor of IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (Rank: Q2, IF: 4.0)
Title of the paper published by our group: A Single Radiator-Based Circularly Polarized Antenna for Indoor Wireless Communication Applications
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.1)
Title of the paper published by our group: Reliability Assessment of 60-GHz GaN Power Amplifier Under High-level Input RF Stress
本實驗室之研究成果已被International Journal of Communication Systems期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal International Journal of Communication Systems (Rank: Q3, IF: 2.1)
Title of the paper published by our group: High Gain Dual Wide-Band ±45° Dual Polarization (DWDP) Antenna for Indoor Distributed Antenna System (IDAS) Applications
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Elsevier Optik期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal Elsevier Optik (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.1)
Title of the paper published by our group: FSS Based High Gain Optically Transparent MIMO Antenna for Sub-6 GHz 5G Mid-Band Applications
獲獎資訊 (Award Achievements):
本實驗室成員邱炳勳獲得德國交流總署(Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD)之短期研究獎學金
Our team member Ping-Hsun Chiu has been awarded a short-term scholarship from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD.
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Elsevier Results in Physics期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by the journal Elsevier Results in Physics (Rank: Q1, IF: 5.3)
Title of the paper published by our group: The Improvement of Device Linearity in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs at Millimeter-wave Frequencies using Dual-Gate Configuration
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.2)
Title of the paper published by our group: Dual-Wideband Antenna with Dual Polarization and Enhanced Front-to-Back Ratio for High-Speed Communication Applications
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Internet of Things Journal期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Rank: Q1, IF: 10.6)
Title of the paper published by our group: UWB Connected Ground Transparent 4-Port Flexible MIMO Antenna for IoT Applications
研究計畫 (Research Project):
Our research proposal for 2024-2025 NSTC-DAAD PPP Project is granted by NSTC, Taiwan, starting from 2024 January.
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.1)
Title of the paper published by our group: Highly Robust GaN Power Amplifier at Millimeter-wave Frequencies using Sputtered Iridium Gate MMIC Technology
本實驗室之研究成果已被AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.2)
Title of the paper published by our group: Millimeter-Wave Single-Pole-Double-Throw Switch Design with Stacked-FET Topology Using Network Cascading Analysis
研討會 (Conference):
2023 APMC研討會將於2023/12/5-12/8在台灣台北國際會議中心(TICC)舉行。
The 2023 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) will be held at Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan during December 5 - 8, 2023.
Topic of paper published by our group: "Demonstration of a Millimeter-wave High-Power Transceiver Module using AlN Interposer", and "A 60-GHz 27.8-dBm GaN-based Doherty Power Amplifier for V-band Applications"
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Wiley International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by Wiley International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Rank: Q3, IF: 2.3)
Title of the paper published by our group: A Dual-Band Polarization Switchable Antenna Switch Module for 5G New-Radio Applications
研討會 (Conference):
2023 TJCAS/TKCAS研討會將於2023/9/6-9/8在台灣新竹國立陽明交通大學舉行。
The 9th Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2023), and the 2nd Taiwan and Korea Conference on Circuits and Systems (TKCAS 2023) will be held at Hsinchu, Taiwan during September 6 - 8, 2023.
Topic of paper published by our group: A 100-Watt GaN Doherty Amplifier for 5G Base Station Applications
2023 ISAP研討會將於2023/10/30-11/2在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉行。
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during October 30 - November 2, 2023.
Topic of paper published by our group: Planar Four-Port Dipole MIMO Antenna for 5G NR 257/258/261 Frequency Band Applications
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Brief期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Brief (Rank: Q2, IF: 4.4)
Title of the paper published by our group: An Ultra-Wideband, High Power and High Isolation Single-Pole-Double-Throw Switch Using Capacitive Loading Approach
研討會 (Conference):
2023 AP-S/URSI研討會將於2023/7/23-7/28在美國奧勒岡州波特蘭舉行。
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting will be held at Portland, Oregon, USA during July 23 - July 28, 2023.
Topic of paper published by our group: Dual-Band Branch Line Coupler-Based Circularly Polarized Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Applications
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Springer Wireless Networks期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by Springer Wireless Networks (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.0)
Title of the paper published by our group: High Gain Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Network Applications
Professor Heng-Tung Hsu is elected as the 2023 Distinguished Lecturer of Taiwan Electromagnetic Industry-Academia Consortium (TEMIAC)
Topics of Talk 1: 運用電路技術提升元件高頻增益之可行性分析與實現
Topics of Talk 2: 新型態微型化射頻前端模組開發
期刊論文 (Journal):
本實驗室之研究成果已被Wiley International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by Wiley International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (Rank: Q3, IF: 2.3)
Title of the paper published by our group: A 20-W Wideband Voltage Controlled Attenuator for Millimeter-wave Applications
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Access期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Access (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.9)
Title of the paper published by our group: Rigorous Analysis and Investigation of the Bandwidth Broadening Mechanism in a Compact Power Divider with Physical Port Isolation
本實驗室之研究成果已被IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (Rank: Q1, IF: 5.6)
Title of the paper published by our group: Design of a Compact RF Front-end Transceiver Module for 5G New-Radio Applications
本實驗室之研究成果已被AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications期刊所接受
Our recent research work is accepted by AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Rank: Q2, IF: 3.2)
Title of the paper published by our group: High Power Handling GaAs SP4T Switch based Beam-Switching Planar Antenna Module for 5G New-Radio FR2 Applications
晶片下線 (Chip Tapeout):
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT製程P15-112A梯次將於2023/1/16開放申請,並於2023/1/30截止,詳情請上TSRI查詢
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT process P15-112A will be open for application on January 16th, 2023, and end on Januray 30th, 2023. Please visit TSRI website for more details.
研討會 (Conference):
2022 RFM研討會將於2022/12/19-12/21在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉行。
2022 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM) will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during December 19 - December 21.
Topic of paper published by our group: A High Survivability Low-Noise Amplifier for V-band Applications
2022 亞太微波研討會 (APMC) 將於2022/11/29-12/2在日本橫濱舉行。
2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) will be held at Yokohama, Japan during November 29 - December 2.
Topic of paper published by our group: Planar Beam Switched Antenna Module for 5G New-Radio FR2 Applications
年度成果展示 (Annual Demonstration):
The annual demonstration for National Science and Technology Council project will be help at National Chi Nan University on October 28.
晶片下線 (Chip Tapeout):
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT製程P15-111B梯次將於2022/7/4開放申請,並於2022/7/11截止,詳情請上TSRI查詢
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT process P15-111B will be open for application on July 4th, 2022, and end on July 11th, 2022. Please visit TSRI website for more details.
晶片下線 (Chip Tapeout):
WIN 0.25 um GaN/SiC HEMT製程GaN25-111A梯次將於2022/4/4開放申請,詳情請上TSRI查詢,下線詳細流程請參閱檔案
GaN 0.25 um GaN/SiC HEMT process GaN25-111A will be open for application on April 4th, 2022. Please visit TSRI website for more details and pay attention to tapeout schedule.
晶片下線 (Chip Tapeout):
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT製程P15-111A梯次將於2022/1/10開放申請,詳情請上TSRI查詢
WIN 0.15 um pHEMT process P15-111A will be open for application on January 10th, 2022. Please visit TSRI website for more details.
課程消息 (Course News):
The enrollment of 8th open course ware (e-Learning) is going to due on November 5, 2021. Please visit TSRI website for more details.
研討會 (Conference):
IEDMS conference will be held at National Cheng Kung University during November 18th to 19th.
Topic of paper published by our group: Effect of the Device Geometry on the Linearity Performance of AlGaN GaN HEMTs with Dual-Gate Configuration, IEDMS, Symposium A:Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices.
APMC conference will be held online from November 28th to December 1st, 2021.
Topic of paper published by our group: An X- to Ka-band Single-Pole-Double-Throw Switch with Good Power Handling Capability
Updated 2024.08.24